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Users in South Africa can now download HerVenture for free from Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Download the App Now


HerVenture is full of features to help you succeed in business.


Easy-to-understand bite-size lessons that you can easily swipe through.


A range of fun, interactive activities to help you learn.

Learn Offline

Develop your skills and learn offline.


Connect with entrepreneurs in your industry or area and succeed together.


Achieve tokens, progress through levels and unlock rewards.


Ask questions to deepen your learning and understanding.


A fun, flexible and free award-winning app for women entrepreneurs

Fully usable offline to save data, HerVenture helps you access the knowledge, skills and confidence to transform your business. Available on Android and iOS platforms in South Africa. Download it on your nearest wifi and start unlocking your business potential today.


The data-friendly HerVenture app offers bite-size learning on topics like launching a business, managing finances, accessing markets and e-commerce in easy and engaging formats to give you an edge in business. It’s every woman entrepreneur’s favourite app to take her business to the next level.

The app suggests a personalised learning roadmap for each entrepreneur. It allows you to learn on the go, at your own pace and convenience, and fits into your busy life easily. It can also be accessed offline. Through HerVenture, you can connect with other women entrepreneurs and find out about local business events.

HerVenture is making thousands of women across the world better off by unlocking their potential as successful entrepreneurs, with 100% of users in 2021 in South Africa increasing their business knowledge.

Download it from the Google Play Store or Apple Store for free and start your learning journey today.


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Partners and Donors

HerVenture South Africa is an innovation of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women made possible by our fantastic partners